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Human rights policy of Pili Group

  • I. Purpose

    The Pili Group supports and respects the United Nations (UN) International Bill of Human Rights, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Ten Principles of Global Compact, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprise, International Labor Office Tripartite Declaration of Principles and the concept of decent work that the declaration embodies. It abides by laws and regulations governing labor, equal rights for women in the workplace and employment in countries or regions where it has operations. It has taken relevant measures and formulated polices on human rights protection and decent work so that human rights will not be neglected and abused. A good working environment can be created accordingly.

  • II. Object

    The Pili Group’s human rights policy applies to employees, contract workers, extras and interns of Pili International Multimedia Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries. Furthermore, we expect suppliers and companies cooperating with the Pili Group to follow the same standards and conform to the spirit and basic principles of the Group’s human rights policy.

  • III. Policy

    Because of the corporate culture of the Pili Group and its business and characteristics, we pay special attention to the rights as described below and come up with corresponding polices so that associated action plans can be executed and expanded within the Group.

    • (1). Protection of labor rights: In its formulation of relevant polices, measures and regulations, the Group follows labor-related laws and regulations of the countries or regions where it has business operations. Should there be any deficiencies, the Group will consult in the first instance relevant international standards so as to determine a direction for its measures and polices.

      • 1. Prohibition of forced labor:
        The Group follows the Labor Standards Act to sign written contracts with all employees. Under the agreement of the two sides, the rights and duties of both the employer and the employee are clearly defined. Interference or intimidation from a third party or illicit profits gained therefrom are prohibited.

      • 2. Prohibition of employment discrimination:
        The Group insists on maintaining a diverse workforce and fair reward system. In its hiring of employees, the Group will not discriminate against job applicants because of their ethnicity, social class, language, thoughts, religion, party affiliation, provincial origin, birthplace, gender, sexual orientation, age, martial status, appearance, facial feature, physical or mental disabilities or prior labor union membership. We treat them equally in the appointment of jobs and arrangement of job content for them.

      • 3. Prohibition of child labor:
        In accordance with the Labor Standards Act and the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act, the Group refuses to hire children and youths aged under 16 and avoid any situation that may suggest or establish employment links with them. Should exceptions occur, the governing authority should be consulted for a rightful explanation.

      • 4. Decent working hours and protection for night work:
        The Group specifies in its work regulations normal and extended working hours while checking attendance records of employees on a regular basis. In accordance with the Labor Standards Act, employees are reminded to take two (2) days off for every seven (7) days. If workers have to work overtime during the two (2) days off, they will be compelled to take one of the two (2) days off. For those who have to work overtime at night, the Group provides them with the protection of security guards, rest space in dormitories and readily available drivers.

    • (2). Equal rights for women:

      The Group takes competence at work as its main consideration in hiring and appointing employees, deciding on salary and benefits, providing on-the-job training, evaluating job performance, giving promotions and approving departures and retirements. There will be no differential treatment because of gender or sexual orientation differences. To promote equal rights and prevent against sexual harassment, relevant lectures and a grievance hotline are provided. The aim is to stop any discrimination against gender and sexual orientation differences from happening.

    • (3). Protection of personal information:

      To protect personal secrets, the Group has achieved complete control of the storage and retrieval, processing, transmission and preservation of information about employees, cooperating companies and clients, as well as the security of personnel and equipment. It has taken security measures to protect and control various aspects such as development and maintenance of applications, database, Internet connections, personal computers and storage media. Online trades proceed under the protection of cryptography and verification systems so that client information will not be stolen, altered, damaged, lost or exposed. The security of client information is guaranteed.


  • IV. Policy enforcement and amendment

    The policy has been approved for enforcement by the chairperson of the board. Likewise with the amendment.

    Grievance hotline: Taipei (886-2-89780555, extensions 1609)
    Yunlin (886-5-6224106, extensions 230 and 213
    Shanghai (86-021-51134188, ext. 834)
    Email address for reporting: pili.complaint@pili.tw